People will not want to save the world on only 7 grams meat a day

The world faces many challenges over the coming decades, but one of the most significant will be how to feed its expanding global population. By 2050, there will be about 10 billion of us, and how to feed us all, healthily and from sustainable food sources, is something that is already being looked at. The Norway-based thinktank Eat and the British journal the Lancet have teamed up to commission an in-depth, worldwide study, which launches at 35 different locations around the world today, into what it would take to solve this problem – and the ambition is huge.

People will not accept this. People like to eat meat. I am sure the chinese and indians are waiting for be able to buy some nice meat more often. It is not surprising that we dont get more than 7 grams each. There is going to be a lot of people in this world by 2050. They had to give everybody the same amount.

A full month’s diet plan would be a better illustration, given that the daily ration of red meat stands at 7g (with an allowable range of 0-14g); unless you are creative enough to make a small steak feed two football sides and their subs, you will only be eating one once a month.

Fuck that. I want much more meat than that.

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