It is not easy to be a coal burner

The 23-year-old boyfriend of Iggy Azalea – real name is Jordan Terrell Carter – was pulled over in his black Lamborghini Huracan on Thursday as police found three firearms and several bags of drugs.

I hope she learns to stay away from niggers. 😄

Good that we dont have to see any first of April jokes from Google

Jokes are only funny if they are racist or degrading for women.

“We’ve already stopped any centralized April Fool’s efforts but realize there may be smaller projects within teams that we don’t know about,” the email from Google’s head of marketing Lorraine Twohill continues. “Please suss out those efforts and make sure your teams pause on any jokes they may have planned — internally or externally.”

Stop me if you heard it before: China have an operating system to replace Windows

China’s homegrown operating systems haven’t made much of a dent on the global stage. Now there’s a Linux-based system that’s aimed at weaning the country off Windows.

How many times have i seen the headline “China developing own operating system”. It is many times. Even the chinks wants Windows. They just dont want to pay for it. I am sure the Chinese government wants to spy on Chinese users instead of the US.