Kim Kardashians former pet nigger is crazy

‘I like Hitler’: Balaclava-clad Kanye West has ‘full mental health breakdown’ on Alex Jones podcast alongside white supremacist Nick Fuentes as he spouts MORE anti-Semitic bile – and encourage people to visit R. Kelly and Weinstein in prison!

Daily mail

They have to put Kanye in the crazy house. πŸ˜€

Why dont i get to have fun like Sam Bankman-Fried had

I am always going to be poor. 😟

Led by disgraced CEO and co-founder Sam Bankman-Fried, a 30-year-old Californian known as SBF, the group pulled all-nighters while high on amphetamines at their retreat β€” which boasted six bedrooms, two elevators, manicured grounds, a golf course and a boat basin packed with super yachts.

He should have gotten a prettier girlfriend.