The limey faggots now need a reasonable excuse for travelling outside Britain

Maybe it will spread to other countries.

Foreign holidays will be ILLEGAL from Monday: New Covid laws mean £5,000 fines for anyone leaving the UK without ‘reasonable excuse’ – and restrictions could last for some holiday hot-spots all summer

Daily mail

How did they dare to give Dua Lipa only one grammy

Grammy Awards 2021: Dua Lipa strips down to sparkly pink lingerie after making TWO outfit changes during her racy performance… before winning Best Pop Vocal Album

Daily mail

Dua Lipa deserved more than one award.

Harvey is going to beat the shit out of Katie

Just wait for it.

‘People are horrible to me’: Katie Price shares a moving post of son Harvey appealing for fans to sign her petition to stop online bullying after he was a victim of horrific abuse


Pretty kikess singer Madison Beer released her first album

Her highly anticipated debut album Life Support premiered on streaming platforms Friday, to the delight of her patient fanbase.

Daily mail

It is not going to sell. It will not be popular. I dont know why Daily mail writes this. Madison is far from Dua Lipa. I dont know if i should feel sorry for her.

Kikess singer Madison Beer is also crazy

And the star told to that the album – which she wrote and sang on – covers her struggle with mental health – specifically anxiety – while she touches on prescription drugs and delves into past toxic relationships.

Daily mail

It is the same with all my favourite singers. Some have been suicidal, but they are very bad at actually kill themselves.